City Announces One-Week Limited Parking Ticket Amnesty
July 28, 2021
Tickets issued this week (Monday, July 26 through Friday, July 30) for street cleaning and residential parking permit violations will be converted to a warning; real tickets will be issued starting this Monday, August 2
Tickets issued this week (Monday, July 26 through Friday, July 30) for street cleaning and residential parking permit violations will be converted to a warning; real tickets will be issued starting this Monday, August 2
Mayor Mike Purzycki announced today that parking tickets issued to residents this week for failure to move a vehicle for street cleaning and for failure to obtain a residential parking permit will be converted to warnings. Anyone who has already paid their ticket will receive a refund. The City will issue real tickets for these violations beginning this Monday, August 2.
File Photo: Mayor Mike Purzycki gives remarks during The Wilmington Police 100th Academy graduation ceremonies Friday, April. 30, 2021, at Chase Center on the Riverfront in Wilmington, Delaware. Photo By Saquan Stimpson
“Even though the City announced on July 19 that ticketing would resume for parking regulations and street cleaning enforcement that had been suspended during COVID, a significant number of people still received tickets, so we are offering limited ticket amnesty for this week only,” said Mayor Purzycki. “Ticketing will resume as normal this Monday.”
The amnesty does not apply to metered parking tickets or any other parking enforcement violation aside from failure to move a vehicle for street cleaning violations and failure to obtain a residential parking permit. Call Wilmington’s 311 Customer Service Center to obtain a parking permit or access the permit website here. If your block has street cleaning that requires you to move your vehicle, you will see the signage posted on your block with days and hours listed.
On just Monday and Tuesday of this week, the Mayor said approximately 1,800 tickets were issued because residents failed to obtain a valid residential parking permit or because they failed to move their vehicle for street cleaning. He said that is a significant number, so the benefit of the doubt goes to the residents, accepting that they possibly did not know of the resumption of ticketing.
File Photo: Van seen with a parking boot on the drivers side at Louis L.Redding City County Building in Wilmington DE. Photo By Saquan Stimpson
Mayor Purzycki urged residents to share the one-week only ticket amnesty news with their neighbors, as well as remind them that the City is resuming enforcement that was suspended during COVID. The following City services and programs have now been resumed:
• ticketing, booting and towing of vehicles for traffic and parking violations and for delinquent fines and fees;
• neighborhood street cleaning, which will require residents to move their vehicles to accommodate the street cleaning equipment;
• one- and two-hour neighborhood parking restrictions, meaning residents MUST be current on their neighborhood parking permit;
• water utility service disconnections for delinquencies, which in many cases can be avoided if residents and businesses make a payment arrangement with the City;
• Sheriff Sales.
More information about parking in the City of Wilmington can be found at or direct questions to 311, Wilmington new Customer Service Center.