Governor Carney Delivers State of the State Address to Joint Session of the General Assembly
January 18, 2019
Governor details plans for strengthening our economy, improving Delaware’s schools, protecting our quality of life
DOVER, Del. – Governor John Carney delivered his 2019 State of the State Address on Thursday in the Senate Chamber at Legislative Hall in Dover, outlining his priorities for strengthening Delaware’s economy, improving our public schools, and protecting Delaware’s quality of life.
Full text of the speech, as prepared for delivery, is available here
“Strengthening our Economy. Improving our Schools for All Delaware Children. Protecting our Quality of Life. These are priorities we can all agree on,” said Governor Carney. “Over the next six months, there will be plenty to distract us from these priorities. It’s our job to stay focused. That means making sure teachers have the resources they need to be successful. It means making sure businesses have a climate where they can grow and create jobs. It means making sure parents who are working can get affordable childcare. It means making sure our roads are plowed so people can get to work. It means making sure children can play in the park without fear of gun violence. It means making sure correctional officers are safe when they report to work. It means making sure families can afford healthcare for their children. The government can’t solve every problem, and we shouldn’t try. But we sure can make a real difference in the lives of our friends and neighbors.”
Below are highlights from the Governor’s address:
“When I ran for office in 2016, I promised that our number one priority would be to strengthen our economy to create good jobs for Delawareans. And that we would focus on making Delaware a place where businesses would want to locate and grow. Over the past two years, and thanks in large part to the work of many of you, we have 10,000 new jobs in Delaware. Our unemployment rate has fallen to 3.8 percent for the first time since 2008.”
“Every third grader should be reading at grade level. Every 8th grader should be proficient in math. And every student should be graduating high school ready for college, or a career. It’s time to begin a new chapter in Delaware’s public education.”
“Maintaining a good quality of life in our state is one of the most basic things we can do for the citizens we represent. In addition to keeping communities safe, that means protecting the natural heritage that makes Delaware such a great place to live, work, and raise a family. These are the things that attract a strong workforce to our state.”